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Bitcoin - C + (meaning “fair” 공정한?)
Ethereum a B (good) Novacoin (D) SaluS (D) Steem (B-)
None of the cryptocurrencies covered currently get a grade of A (“excellent”). In total Weiss currently covers 74 cryptocurrencies.
크립토 통화 중 어느 것도 A 는 못받은 상황입니다.
A grade of A or B can also be interpreted as the investment rating equivalent of “buy.” At the same time, investors should not be overly alarmed by a C rating. It is a passing grade, and for investors, implies the equivalent of “hold.” Grades of D” and E” are the equivalent of “sell.” However, investment decisions should not be made solely based on ratings. They are meant as a tool in the context of a broader risk management strategy.
뭐 A,B 는 사고 C는 보류 D,F 는 자신들 믿고 매각하라는데....
재수없어도 구매해야할지 고민이네요
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